
Fabjam 2014

14th of June 2014, 10:00—19:00

Registration is open, the dpz take part in fabjam 2014 on 14th of June. If you want to participate please register under http://www.fabjam.org/spaces/dpz (Maximal 12 Teilnehmer)

A single day event that brings together fabspaces (hackerspaces, designspaces, fablabs...) from all around the world for a short, action-packed creative workshop, or fabsprint. The idea is to raise the collaborative mindset, that has brought about hacker spaces and fablabs, to a new international scale. In doing so we hope to bring a new dimension to the world of “making”, of “making collaboratively”, and above all to the world of play.

During this one-day event, people from around the world will come together and design, conceive, create based on one common topic given to all two days earlier. The topic itself will have been co-defined by the FabJam community.

It’s a chance to come together with other makers, hackers, coders, tinkerers, crafters, and thinkers from all over the world and play. And inquire. And discover.

FabJam is born from a rising awareness and interest in Peer Production and the Makers

movement. In the face of a new industrial revolution, with manufacturing being democratized by digital fabrication tools, local production facilities and the sharing of open source hardware designs; it is also interesting to think of how we as people can create new modes of interaction around these tools.

Peer Production and the Makers movement can be linked back to an even greater sphere: collaborative economy. This new form of economy influences the way we consume products and services, how we raise capital to create new products and how knowledge, or information, is shared.