

New Media Arts from Turkey / Türkiye'den Yeni Medya Sanatı; Ausstellung/ Wokshops/ Vortrag ab 4. Oktober 2012 an der HBKsaar


“Commons Tense” exhibits the works of new media artists from Turkey. Being a sub-theme of amberPlatform’s 2012 theme entitled “Paratactic Commons”. Commons Tense points out that it is now time to talk within a new category that embeds the Commons in.

The decade that followed 9/11 witnessed a radical regression of communal energies, forcing us to live strictly in individual spheres; the fear and control society in the guise of a war on terror, the tendency of nation-states to impose their ideological agendas onto everyone and everything under their control and the conflicts and collaborations of a global consumerist economy that urges the rapid privatization of public goods have all taken a toll on the common values of human societies around the Globe. The commons that we need to regain entail a broad spectrum. 
They range from ecological unbalances, which result from the privatization of natural resources, to the ‘de facto’ privatization of judicial systems, which has led to the degradation of a justice that is common to all.

Meanwhile, the ever-popularizing digital media, beginning with the Internet itself as a common resource, has been a major source of inspiration in revitalizing the idea of the commons. More specifically, the capacities offered by new media have helped to re-understand that information is a “common” as well as the right to access information.

Can digital commons be an alternative platform to launch a political thought whose main aim is sharing, transparency, and freedom to access information? What can we learn from free software’s, copyleft movements, peer-2-peer systems, the logic of open source, and creative commons? Could the digital-commons help for the creation of another form of economy and ecology? Could humans share their common resources rather than exploit them? What kind of paratactic artistic strategies could digital commons consist of?

Realized in collaboration with TodaysArt Festival in Den Haag and Academy of Fine Arts Saar in Saarbrücken the artworks presented at the exhibition will offer various interpretations of the theme. The co-events, which consist of two workshops and artist’s presentations will be held in the week before the exhibition. One of the workshops focuses on building Arduino Boards, an  open-source, easy-to use hardware and software electronics platform for artist and designers. In the second workshop participants will experiment with Arduino Boards using python and processing programming languages. 


Vernissage: 7. Oktober 2012, 19 Uhr

Laufzeit: 8.-21. Oktober 2012


Galerie der HBKsaar
Keplerstr. 5

66117 Saarbrücken

Mi bis Fr 17–20 Uhr, Sa 12–18 Uhr

Beteiligt Künstlerinnen und Künstler: 
Bager AKBAY / Fatih AYDO?DU / Osman KOÇ / 
Nagehan KURALI & Selin ÖZÇEL?K / Ali M?HARB? / 
Onur SÖNMEZ & Jaak KAEVATS / Canda? ?I?MAN


Kuratiert von Ekmel Ertan & Fatih Aydogdu

Organisiert von Mert Akbal

for more information:


Die Workshops werden auf Englisch stattfinden

4. Oktober 2012, 10–12 Uhr & 13–17 Uhr  
Osman Koc, "Processing for Arduino"
Digitales Produktionszentrum der HBKsaar  
5. Oktober 2012, 10–12 Uhr & 13–17 Uhr   
Ekmel Ertan, "Paper Arduino"
Digitales Produktionszentrum der HBKsaar


von Dr. Güven Çatak

Sonntag, 7. Oktober 2012, 17 Uhr in der Aula der HBK Saar

Bahçes?ehir University Game Lab, Istanbul / Game.Doc

Schon in deren Gründungsphase kooperierten BUG (Bahçes?ehir University Game Lab, Istanbul) und xm:lab (experimental media lab, HBK Saar, Saarbrücken) miteinander. Den Auftakt bildete eine mehrwöchige Exkursion nach Istanbul. In einem gemeinsamen Dokumentations- und Forschungsprojekt Game.Doc (Leitung: Mert Akbal, Dr. Güven Çatak und Jan Tretschok) dokumentierten Studierende der HBKSaar und der Bahçes?ehir Universität mehr
als 25 Akteure aus der jungen türkischen Computer Spiele Szene. Unter den Interviewpartnern waren Akademiker, Produktionsfirmen, Kritiker und professionelle Spieler.
Begleitend zu der Ausstellung COMMONS TENSE, die in Zusammenarbeit mit dem ebenfalls aus Istanbul stammenden elektronischen Kunstnetzwerk amberPlattform realisiert wurde, stellt Dr. Güven Çatak in einem Vortrag das neugegründete Bahçes?ehir University Game Lab und das vorrausgegangene Projekt Game.Doc vor.


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Abbildungen rechts:


Osman KOÇ: Corporeal Experiences

Bager AKBAY: I am an artist

Fatih AYDO?DU: Error - Title Included

Ali M?HARB?: Marked Territories