
Masetti, Claudia & Brogini, Aurora : " Frühstück: the story of all love story"

Waliczky, Tamás (Prof.)  , Mert Akbal  Media Art & Design    Atelierprojekt  2007/2008 WS  

In a world where the objects came up to life, an impossible story of love, sex, envy, money, fun, cheating, luxury, myth, anxiety, fear, eggs, happiness, gall, life, bravery, pride, jealousy, passion, gurken, bungalow, fancy, beauty, betrayal, arrogance, amusement, vexation, joy, sensual seduction, hope, daydream, guilt, sin, chocolate, legend, illusion, anger, butter, decadence, sordidness, cliche, temperament, elegance, rage, damage, selfishness, annoyance, splendour, fatalism, probity, doom, filth, revenge, rancour, freedom, truth, shame, grace, dishonour, coffee, blame, spying, delusion, woe, sweetness, bacon, hint, damnation, fame, adventure, innocence, corruption, kindness, scandal, knights and princess, courting, courtesans, lies, honey and death.


