Cerdà Alimbau, Marta (Gastprof.)
Kommunikationsdesign, Master Kommunikationsdesign
_ Atelierprojekt (deprecated)
Beginn: 03.11.16
Ende: 17.02.17

14:00 - 18:00

14-tägig; We’ll do follow up Skype calls during the in-between weeks.
OrtAtelier Prof. Kupferschmid
LeistungskontrolleVorlage und Präsentation von Projektergebnissen
Erreichbare Creditpoints16

This project will be taught in English and will meet bi-weekly and in-between on Skype.


We will pretend we work as Graphic Designers for the Editorial industry, illustrating articles for newspapers and designing book covers under the guidelines of an art director. The goal will be to illustrate each article or book cover with conceptual clarity, but also to explore different ways of expression within each small project. In order to come up with a clear conceptual idea, so we can focus deeply on the expressive side of the illustration, we'll illustrate or design the article first only with the combination of basic shapes.  Once we've solved that, we'll go towards a more complex art direction, using a different style each time.


Guestprofessor Marta Cerdà is a Barcelona-born, Amsterdam based Graphic Designer whose main body of work is focused on the boundaries between letters and illustration. At the end of 2008, after working in agencies and design studios between Barcelona, Düsseldorf and Munich, like toormix or Vasava, she won the ADC Young Guns and decided to found her own studio, moved to New York, Los Angeles, and recently back to Europe. She works on global projects which call for Design, Illustration and Custom Typography for Arts, Culture and Advertising Clients.


Examples from the teacher:











Anmeldeverfahren Aushang, per E-Mail: marta@martacerda.com
Anmeldefrist bis zum: 28. Oktober
Teilnahmebeschraenkung max. Anzahl Teilnehmer: 15