Filmsprache II "Every Frame A Painting"
Cho, Sung-Hyung (Prof.) | Tretschok, Jan
Master Media Art & Design, Media Art and Design
_ Fachpraktische Studien (deprecated)
Beginn: 25.04.16
Ende: 11.07.16
11:00 - 12:30

LeistungskontrolleVorlage und Präsentation von Arbeitsergebnissen
Erreichbare Creditpoints4

We are watching the youtube channel „Every frame a painting“ and discuss it.

We will also try to reconstruct the scenes that we´ve got to know.

The seminar is held in English.

That´s maybe the reason why I will often stay quiet :-)

But my colleague Jan Tretschok is pretty good in English and will support the seminar.

Anmeldeverfahren per E-Mail:
Anmeldefrist bis zum: 4.4.2016
Teilnahmebeschraenkung max. Anzahl Teilnehmer: 10