Brandolini, Andreas (Prof.) | Cohen, Nitzan (Prof.) | Käfer, Hannes
Freie Kunst, Kommunikationsdesign, Kunsterziehung, Media Art and Design, Produktdesign
_ Atelierprojekt (deprecated)
Beginn: 15.04.14
Ende: 22.07.14

09:00 - 11:00

OrtDPZ – Digitales Produktionszentrum
LeistungskontrolleVorlage und Präsentation von Projektergebnissen
Erreichbare Creditpoints16/24

Aus 3 Teilen zusammengesetzte Objekte, deren erste gemeinsame Charakteristik aus der Produktion mit 3 digital gesteuerten Maschinen besteht. (3D-Printer, Laser-Cutter, CNC-Fräse)


Digital production of three pieces in three scales ..... typology is open, function and logic as well, yet the scale is defined - S, M, L. ...... (what is really large? or in that sense small? This depends on the project and typology)


In the project you will work on the three projects parallel and at the same time making the work efficiency, time management and decission making to be the modt crucial aspect of the project.


- All possibilities of the digital production are open - using the 3d-printer, the brand new lage scale CNC (!!) or the laser cutter - all is possible and mostly: any combination of materials and techniques are possible. Combining a 3-print and a CNC milled magnesium piece? Or milling a wooden volume to be lasered and combined with a 3d-print detail? - All is open!


more information per mail.


Gute Kenntnisse in Rhyno erforderlich.
