Kupferschmid, Indra (Prof.) | Liza Enebeis, Donald Beekman
Freie Kunst, Kommunikationsdesign, Kunsterziehung, Master Kuratieren/Ausstellungswesen, Master Museumspädagogik, Master Netzkultur/Designtheorie, Master Public Art/Public Design, Media Art and Design, Medieninformatik–Kooperationsstudiengang mit der UdS, Produktdesign
_ Fachpraktische Studien (deprecated)
Beginn: 04.12.15
Ende: 06.12.15

15:00 - 18:00
10:00 - 18:00
10:00 - 16:00
OrtAtelier Prof. Kupferschmid
LeistungskontrolleVorlage und Präsentation von Arbeitsergebnissen
Erreichbare Creditpoints4

Background info:


Typeradio.org is the radio channel on type and design. Typeradio is a paradox in terms. Type is printed and radio talks. Typeradio is naturally speech on type.

It is a MicroFM broadcast, a MP3 radio stream and a podcast station. Initiated in 2004 by Underware (Akiem Helmling, Bas Jacobs and Sami Kortemaki), in collaboration with DBXL – graphic and type designer Donald Beekman and LoveLiza – Liza Enebeis also a graphic designer.

The team visits different design events around the world, to meet designers and to talk. From Peter Saville to Stefan Sagmeister, from Mathew Carter to Erik van Blokland. With 5000 listeners daily (its quite a lot ;)


The assignment


Each person will be given a typeface to which you can illustrate it in sound. Create a 30 second to one minute typographic sound piece. Your piece will be published on Typeradio.

On completion of your assignment your soundpiece will be given to one of the Master Students from Type and Media in the Hague. They will in turn translate your sound piece into type.


There will be a common presentation of the sound pieces and typefaces at the KABK in The Hague in the second week of February. All students should be there to present their projects.



The class will be taught in English.



Signing up / Anmeldung:


Email to kupferschmid.kurs@gmail.com or sign up on the black board by 30.10.2015. A list will be put out on 20.10., I can’t reply to emails until then. There will be an info meeting on 2.11.2015, 13:30 to finalize the list.

Anmeldeverfahren Aushang, per E-Mail: kupferschmid.kurs@gmail.com
Anmeldefrist bis zum: 30.10.2015
Teilnahmebeschraenkung keine