Kupferschmid, Indra (Prof.) | Levée, Jean-Baptiste
Freie Kunst, Kommunikationsdesign, Kunsterziehung, Media Art and Design, Medieninformatik–Kooperationsstudiengang mit der UdS, Produktdesign
_ Vortrag (deprecated)
Beginn: 22.04.14
Ende: 22.04.14

18:00 - 20:00

Erreichbare Creditpoints0

Those are the questions, amongst several others, that one will try to answer by presenting a handful of recent commissions. Because typeface design does not operate ex nihilo, questions evolving around the practice, and appended goals will be analyzed. In order to document a daily practice of typeface design, an overview of references, inspiration sources and work methods will be displayed through recent project projects.


Jean-Baptiste Levée works methodically in a process where history and technology are approached altogether within the nuances of artistry. He manufactures functional, yet versatile digital platforms for designers to build upon. He runs the retail type foundry Production Type.
Levée has designed over a hundred typefaces for industry, moving pictures, fashion and publishing. He has shown work internationally in group and solo shows, and is featured in the permanent collections of the French national library (BnF) and the National Center of arts (Cnap); of the Newberry Library in Chicago, and several printing museums in Europe. He is also the country delegate for France at ATypI (Association Typographique Internationale). Levee curates exhibitions on typeface design, organizes research symposiums and teaches typeface design at the Amiens school of Arts & Design, at the Caen-Cherbourg school of Arts & Media and at the University of Corte.

He is a typography columnist and editor of pointypo.com.
