Clymer, Andy (Lehrbeauftragter) | Kupferschmid, Indra (Prof.)
Freie Kunst, Kommunikationsdesign, Kunsterziehung, Media Art and Design, Produktdesign
_ Fachpraktische Studien (deprecated)
Beginn: 21.05.14
Ende: 24.05.14


ganztägig, Blockveranstaltung
OrtAtelier Prof. Kupferschmid
LeistungskontrolleVorlage und Präsentation von Arbeitsergebnissen
Erreichbare Creditpoints2

 4-Tage-Workshop Einführung in das Scripten und Programmieren mit Python und Drawbot für Designer (Grafikdesign, Schriftgestaltung, generative Gestaltung).


Eigenes Macbook erforderlich oder iMac im Atelier (drei iMacs stehen zur Verfügung).

Arbeiten in Drawbot, bitte vorab informieren und installieren:


This course will be taught in English by typeface designer and tool developer Andy Clymer, New York City.


Over the course of three days, graphic designers will learn to program simple scripts in the Python programming language, to add illustrations to their own work, automate the making of a small book, and to make some generative art using a program called DrawBot (all the while learning a programming language).

The workshop is directed toward graphic design students, whether or not their interests are in design for print or for the screen, with absolutely no previous programming experience necessary. This will be your first course in programming, but if you already have some experience then we'll have something extra for you! Software will be provided, but students will need to have a Macintosh computer.


About the instructor

Andy Clymer has lived and worked in New York City as a type designer for the past nine years, where he uses the Python programming language in his work every day to automate and enhance his design tasks. Previously, he studied in the Type&Media postgraduate course for type design in The Hague, The Netherlands.
