Heftmann, Jacob (Lehrbeauftragter) | Kupferschmid, Indra (Prof.) | Jacob Heftmann
_ Fachpraktische Studien (deprecated)
Beginn: 25.07.16
Ende: 29.07.16
10:00 - 18:00

Blockveranstaltung, ganztägig
OrtAtelier Prof. Kupferschmid
LeistungskontrolleVorlage und Präsentation von Arbeitsergebnissen
Erreichbare Creditpoints4

In this week-long workshop, we will explore how designing for interaction differs from other aspects of communication design. Building upon your existing design knowledge and experiences with various technologies, this workshop will apply those concepts to designing screen-based systems that scale when confronted with unknown inputs. The goal of the workshop is to provide a survey of the skills necessary to create compelling interactive experiences that are conceptually, functionally, and aesthetically elegant. You will realize your designs through traditional design tools as well as by coding them in the languages of the web – HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.


Jacob is a designer and developer based in New York City. He is the principal of XXIX, a multi-disciplinary design studio, and a faculty member at Parsons The New School of Design. This is his fourth year teaching workshops at HBKSaar and they’re always fun!


Please arrange to bring a computer. The workshop will be in English.


Anmeldeverfahren per E-Mail: jacob@jacobheftmann.com
Anmeldefrist bis zum: 1. Juli (verbindlich!)
Teilnahmebeschraenkung max. Anzahl Teilnehmer: 15