Cohen, Nitzan (Prof.)
Freie Kunst, Kommunikationsdesign, Kunsterziehung, Media Art and Design, Produktdesign
_ Atelierprojekt (deprecated)
Beginn: 15.10.13

11:00 - 16:00

OrtAtelier Prof. Cohen
LeistungskontrolleVorlage und Präsentation von Projektergebnissen
Erreichbare Creditpoints14

Family... it is the root, ground and context of possibly everything around us. It is the premature context defining something before it is even there. It is the way with which we categorize and differentiate one kind from another and one specimen from the next. It is the simplest way to explain the most complex of connections but it is also a way to define a style of cooking...

It could be an accurate chromosome definition of high science or an emotional definition of the heart... it could be set 'by blod' or set by love, it could result in a physical or mental resemblance but could also bring the complete opposite...
Families pull as much as they push, they unite just as much as they could separate... but which ever it would be, it would have an enormous power... Nothing could be as simple, natural and self-evident as a family... but just the same nothing could be as complex... yet it all ends up in a non-separable connection.
It is a complex web revolving around the concept of a dna... of identity and character -physical, mental or behavioural.

In this project we will examine common grounds and dna chains and will identify the different ways they work.
We will take a close look at the ties that bind and split. At what unites different entities and the subversive side effects it can have.

Based on all the above, we will create new families... they may be objects, products, a series of short films or more abstracts elements... what kind of family, a shiny one, a functioning one or maybe a broken one? -All is open...


*Recommended for PD students of the third semester
