Cohen, Nitzan (Prof.) | Käfer, Hannes
Freie Kunst, Kommunikationsdesign, Kunsterziehung, Media Art and Design, Produktdesign
_ Atelierprojekt kurz/Workshop (deprecated)
Beginn: 10.10.13
Ende: 11.10.13

OrtDPZ – Digitales Produktionszentrum
LeistungskontrolleVorlage und Präsentation von Projektergebnissen
Erreichbare Creditpoints7

The Design Bazaar is your project... made by you and run by you.
It is challenging, intensive and demanding, but it is possibly your best and most direct contact to the reality of the market.
In this project you will get a closer and real life experience with what it means to sell something... You will exactly understand and experience what does it mean to produce a final and finished product and receive the market's direct reaction to it.
The whole project is your responsibility, your management and your investment.
This project is a chance to make money and possibly real sums of it... but be careful, you could also loose money... that is the commercial reality!
Each and everyone of you as individual and all of you as a group carry the responsibility for the project and it is of your interest that all projects together are as good as attractive and as commercial as possible!
Work as intensive and concentrated as possible but also take care for your colleagues work, here they are almost as important as yours as they will stand next to yours and could be an attracting factor for your product as well.

The Design Bazaar is designed by you and is 100% Handmade in Saarbrücken.
You will design and produce at least three products for the Design Bazaar:
With two products are free to choose the typology and concept
The third product would has a defined theme for everyone: A Mask -What kind of mask, for whom, for what use or occasion -all is open and is for you to develop the concept here as well.

You will produce yourselves each product in a small series -from 1 to as many as you think you could sell.
Each product will have it's own packaging and identity.
At the end of the project each student will deliver a complete project documentation containing:
-Full research, design, product development ('making of' photo's etc)
-Final product presentation (products description, communication photos)
-Complete balance sheet (Excel) of the following:
-All direct costs and earnings (count every cent you spend and naturally all that you win)
-The complete time investment

The project will start with a two day workshop on 10-11/10/2013
(Thursday, 10.10.2013 14 - 18 Uhr & 11.10.2013 9-17Uhr)
